
donald goines, the dopefiend adaptation

 Donald Goines by Calvin Westra is a book you should buy and read and review and read a second time and recommend to two to five friends (or even more). I am writing this blogpost to convince you to buy Donald Goines because I read it last night before bed and it was still good. I have read my book at least one hundred times since it was released in September of last year and I probably read it about one hundred times during the year long period in which I was writing it. It takes about two and a half hours for me to read it and I am a very slow reader. You might find it only takes you two hours, maybe even less. I, however, like to take my time.

Donald Goines by Calvin Westra

 I started a new Donald Goines brand site to shill my Donald Goines by Calvin Westra book. I am going to make this blog and write Donald Goines brand content on it in order to shill you on visiting that site and then clicking the various "buy now" links that i've plastered the site with. By doing this I will sell more copies and get more people to read Donald Goines, which is one of my main goals in life. Donald Goines is a sweet book. It's about drugs. It's about doing drugs and also about what drugs do to you, both physically as well as the cascading effects they tend to have on your life. Donald Goines only took me one year to write, which blows my mind because I'm a really slow writer. I spent like eight to ten hours a day working on it. Pretty much any time I wasn't janitoring I was writing it. It took about eight rewrites but that doesn't include forty or so semi-complete drafts that received edits and slight rewriting. I like to write drafts wi